Our in灰尘ry-leading HVAC systems deliver precise home comfort and dramatically reduce utility costs. 精确的暖通空调分区将空气仅引导到所需区域, 使用更少的能源来加热或冷却,并减少能源成本高达30%. 首页owner-managed thermostat and zoning controls allow different temperatures for different rooms to keep each family member in comfort from floor to floor and room to room. 亚马逊Alexa和谷歌助手, some of our HVAC systems learn preferences and schedules to save you even more energy and money.
When you purchase an ultra-high-efficiency dual-fuel heat pumps from Service Experts, you’re getting equipment that meets the demand for more use of clean 电力 and are designed for even colder temperatures. These pumps provide both heating and cooling and automatically switch to an ultra-high-efficiency 99% AFUE gas furnace during the coldest outdoor temperatures. The efficient variable-speed blower provides precise temperature and humidity control and improves indoor air quality through consistent air filtration, while advanced diagnostics and automated alerts enable easy troubleshooting and maintenance and reduce downtime when service is needed.
Service Experts can provide boundless energy to you by installing solar power systems, 把你从不稳定的电网中解救出来, 而且可能为你节省超过70美元,在设备的使用寿命内. You can also receive a tax credit—up to 30% of the system’s installation cost for an immediate payback. Not only can you pay less, solar energy can pay you for providing power back into the energy grid.
更多的住宅太阳能是必然的,而不是可能的. 进一步支持更加可靠和清洁的能源, 我们可以安装特斯拉Powerwall, an integrated whole-home back-up battery charged by the solar panels or the power grid. It uses stored energy to power the home during an outage or when the sun isn’t shining.
Powerwall’s smart technology will optimize for energy independence, outage protection, or savings. 该系统可以通过远程访问和即时警报从任何地方进行控制. 我们可以帮助您降低能源费用,享受能源独立, 同时帮助促进脱碳工作.
没有水我们就不能生存, 但我们的健康实际上会受到进入我们家中的水的危害. Water can contain volatile organic compounds (挥发性有机化合物的仪器) and other harmful chemicals like chlorine and trihalomethanes (三卤甲烷), 摄入有害, 甚至会增加患某些癌症的风险. Service Experts can equip the 未来之家 to deliver pure water from every faucet with whole-home water purifying equipment that protects homeowners and the plumbing system.
天然矿物质和添加的化学物质会损害皮肤, 洗衣, 和更多的, 而矿物沉积物会积聚在电器里, 缩短寿命, 堵塞管道, 降低水压. Studies show whole-home water filtration not only provides drinking water that’s 安全r, 更好的嗅觉和口感, 同时也去除氯, 氯胺, 氨, 苯, 铬, 多氯联苯, 乙烯, 三卤甲烷, 挥发性有机化合物的仪器, 和更多的. 不需要再花钱了, 带来的不便, 以及瓶装水对环境的影响和净水输送时的效果, 每个水龙头都流出过滤过的水.
Protect your health and appliances with whole-home water purification by Service Experts, 把每一个水龙头都变成干净的水源, 安全, 还有美味的水.
对地球空气质量的关注已经转移到了室内. 更严格的, energy-efficient homes unfortunately have unintended consequences: Reduced outdoor-air ventilation and poor indoor air quality. The US EPA estimates that 50% of illnesses are caused or worsened by indoor pollution from: Chemical vapors from paint and carpet, 空气传播的病毒和细菌, 花粉过敏原, 灰尘, 和宠物, 以及居住者二氧化碳含量的增加. 事实上, 室内污染物水平可达2-5倍, 偶尔超过100次, 高于室外水平, 根据美国环保署的数据.
Service Experts energy recovery ventilators efficiently replaces stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, 每一次呼吸都带来安慰. 我们的全屋空气过滤系统去除99.97%的污染物都经过医院级过滤. 最后,我们的紫外线杀菌灯可以当场杀死空气中的病毒和细菌.
清洁的空气对你的健康有益, 保护您的系统免受腐蚀和其他污染物, 并通过提高气流效率降低能源成本. 改善室内空气质量可以省钱, 减少能源消耗, 减轻哮喘和过敏症状, 提高生活质量.
家不仅仅是你居住的地方. 它也可以是你学习的地方, 工作, 工作 out 和更多的 — so a power failure can create havoc in every part of their lives. We can help our customers’ lives continue uninterrupted with a whole-home standby electric generator.
不稳定的电网会中断电力供应, 天气, 下降的四肢, 设备故障, 动物和意外造成的损失, 和更多的. 即使是太阳能也会偶尔被风暴和阴天打断. 2022足球世界杯可以通过永久安装提供能源弹性, 家用备用发电机. 使用天然气或液态丙烷, 它独立于电网,并在需要时自动激活. 就像中央空调一样坐在外面, it is unobtrusive and can provide electricity for the entire home or only essential items. Installing a backup generator gives you the power to keep electrical interruptions out of your lives.
Safeguard your life and lifestyle against every outage with a Service Experts whole-home standby generator, 保证工作不间断供电, 玩, 以及介于两者之间的一切.
Tankless water heaters are another way the 未来之家 can raise comfort and lower costs. Endless and instantaneous hot water delivered with ultra-high efficiency saves water and energy. 因为即热式热水器只加热需要的水, 昂贵的风险要小得多, 水箱热水器可能有损坏泄漏. Tankless water heaters also require much less space and can be mounted outside for even more convenience.
具有再循环功能, 家里的每个水龙头都能提供瞬时热水, 节约用水通常浪费在加热水龙头或洗澡水上. Tankless water heaters —one of many ways we bring you higher comfort and lower costs.
电动汽车(ev), 越来越受欢迎, 总有一天会取代大部分汽油汽车及其排放的废气吗, 用吸尘器, 更便宜的, 电力. 电动汽车充电器可以在司机睡觉的时候方便地在家里给你的汽车充电, 电费也很低. 不用去加油站. 也不用担心汽油的价格.
高性能的家庭充电站将会有很大的需求. 它们耐用,易于使用,安全,内置安全功能. 像任何电子设备一样,插上电源,然后走开. Use a mobile app to checking how much time is left on the charge and set customized charging schedules. Save time and money on energy in a way that is affordable, and built around your schedule.
消费者对智能家居系统的接受已经从视频门铃开始, 语音驱动的Alexa和谷歌设备, 智能门锁, 和更多的. But that’s only a fraction of the control and convenience Service Experts can provide.
Connected thermostats allow users to remotely control or schedule HVAC operation and send alerts for any operating issues.
水传感器通过短信或电子邮件检测任何管道装置和您的泄漏. They can also activate the main water valve shut-off to prevent extensive damage from an unchecked leak.
智能电板优化能源使用和支出, 允许通过移动或桌面应用程序进行监控. 它们显示了每个电路的功耗,并允许每个电路打开或关闭. These panels also allow you to control generators and solar-fueled battery systems remotely, 随意切换电路. And allow them to prevent their backup systems from inadvertently powering the entire house, 发电机过度工作, 或者电池耗尽.
智能家居, 我们可以帮助你获得更多的控制权, 和安慰, 超过你住的地方,全自动化带来的便利.
©20242022足球世界杯,2022足球世界杯供暖 & 空调, and the Service Experts logo and design are registered trademarks of Service Experts LLC and used under license by SE Canada Inc. 版权所有. *不适用于优惠计划. 有关详细信息和例外情况,请参阅您签署的优势计划协议. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is subject to certain restrictions and limitations as set forth in the applicable Terms and Conditions.